This vehicle is a great family car, for its age and kilometres it still has a lot of miles in her yet!
It has the ability to take 6 able bodied passengers and 1 x wheelchair occupant.
Being a 6 cylinder it allows for greater power if you require it.
These cars are a rarity now, getting harder to find!
Call us today on 0456 017 779!
Stock No#: 2700
Price: $17,750 (excludes govt charges & on road costs)
Make: Toyota
Model: Modelista VCH10
Vin#: 6U900vch100008261
Eng#: 5VZ0906974
Month/Year: 09/1999
Kms: 106,524
Colour: White
Drive: Rear
Aircond: Yes
Power Steer: Yes
Cyl: 6 3.4 Litre
Transmission: 4 Speed Auto
Seats 6 + 1 wheelchair
Entry height 1.36m
Height Internal: 1.55m where chair sits
Ramp width: 900mm
Ramp Load Rate: 250kg