Bringing more freedom and fun into the lives of Australian wheelchair users and their families at a reasonable price!


Simon and Chinatsu are the proud owners of Nationwide Mobility Vehicles.

We have helped numerous individuals and families regain their freedom with the use of our wheelchair access vehicles.

We would like to continue in the tradition of helping as many people as possible, who now find it hard, or even impossible in their present position of mobility.

We are based in Aroona Sunshine Coast Australia.

If you, your family or your friends need help please give us a call on 0456 017779.

Why choose a used vehicle through Nationwide Mobility Vehicles?

  • Toyota & Nissan Factory-Fitted Systems To Ensure Quality.

  • Every Car Measured For Correct Fit For Passenger.

  • Fully Licensed For Use In Australia.

  • All cars recently serviced & excellent condition.

  • We'll work with you to help you choose most suitable vehicle.

  • Vehicles suitable for wheelchairs and electric scooters.

  • Wheelchair seat & electric ramp models available.