This Toyota Noah is a great family vehicle, allows for 5 able bodied passengers and wheelchair.
Its age doesn’t allow for the fact that the kilometres traveled are very low, there is still a lot of wear in this Toyota.
This vehicle has an electric ramp system, with airbag suspension allowing the vehicle to lower to the right gradient for wheelchair access.
Give us a call today 0456 017 779!!
Stock No#: 2826
Price: $ 19,990 (Excls all onroad costs)
Make: Toyota
Model: Noah AZR60 Wagon
Colour: Silver
Vin#: 6U900AZR603054624
Drive: Front
Aircond: Yes
Power Steer: Yes
4 Cyl 2 Litre
Month/Year: 07/2006
Kms: 118,433
Transmission: Auto 4 speed
Seats: 5 + Wheelchair
Ramp load rate 200kg
Ramp width 730mm
Internal height 1.33m where chair would sit