This is the evolution of the previous model to the Toyota Noah 70 Series Sloper Wheelchair. Even better on fuel economy than the last model with a smooth gearbox for easy driving.
This vehicle seats 5 able bodied passengers plus 1 wheelchair occupant or 8 able bodied passengers.
Absolutely brilliant vehicle for the disabled and mobility impaired.
Toyota reliability and convenience.
Stock No#: 2842
Price: $ 29,990 (Excls all onroad costs)
Make: Toyota
Model: Noah ZRR70 Wagon
Colour: Silver
Vin#: 6U900ZRR700592727
Drive: Front
Aircond: Yes
Power Steer: Yes
4 Cyl 2 Litre
Month/Year: 11/2013
Kms: 107,238
Transmission: Auto 4 speed
Seats: 5 + Wheelchair or 8 able bodied passengers
Ramp load rate 200kg
Ramp width 710mm
Internal height 1.35m where chair would sit
Entry height 1.32m