We are excited to have one of the 70 series Noah's in our fleet. Perfect family vehicle with extras including safety restraints to aid wheelchair into the vehicle!
Vehicle is in excellent condition, shows little sign of ramp and wheelchair use, makes for a brand new feel.
Would suit the fastidious buyer!!
Stock No#: 2791
Price: $ 24,990 (Excls all onroad costs)
Make: Toyota
Model: Noah ZZR70 Wagon
Colour: Grey
Vin#: 6U900ZRR700020405
Engine#: TBA
Drive: Front
Aircond: Yes
Power Steer: Yes
4 Cyl 2 Litre
Month/Year: 08/2007
Kms: 95,128
Transmission: Auto 5 Speed
Seats: 6 + Wheelchair
Ramp load rate 200kg
Ramp width 740mm
Internal height 1.31m where chair would sit